1. Thesis Defense Information

    My time in grad school is finally wrapping up, and I’m doing a thesis defense! Check out the info here if you want to attend in person or virtually. …

  2. [Ex]pression [Out]lier [Bench]Marking

    I made an R package called ExOutBench, which is used to benchmark the results of a gene expression outlier calling method. It calculates the relative risk of having a nearby rare variant gene given outlier status. Check out the documentation here: https://jeinson.github.io/ExOutBench/index.html …

  3. Making a Website

    Making this site was quite easy with Jekyll and Github Pages. However, there were a few kinks that I had to work through to get it up and running, this guid may be helpful for others who are trying to get their own personal site launched! …

  4. Hello World

    Hello World! This is my first real blog post on my personal webpage. It seems like a good PhD student should have their own page for professionalism and such. If you made it here, thanks for visiting! …